SC60-18 Top Jamb Drop PlateThis plate is required for top jamb mounting where the head frame is less than 1.25" (44mm)SC60-18-PA Parallel Arm Drop PlateThis plate is required for parallel arm mounting where the top rail of the door is less than 4 3/8" for PA, 4 1/4" for HD/DS, measured from the stop. This drop plate requires 2 3/8" minimum top rail measured from the stop.

These drop plates are designed to be used with the Dor-O-Matic SC60 Series Grade 1 door closer. It is the right choice when you require an adjustable closer for light to medium traffic. It offers the most common hole pattern in the industry and it also meets ADA requirements when necessary. It is also UL approved and compliant with the UL 10C and UBC-7-2 fire test.